
Aeon timeline fantasy calendar
Aeon timeline fantasy calendar

aeon timeline fantasy calendar

timeline tool that allows you to create your own fantasy calendar system. Wow your players with cinematic descriptions of sweltering heat, driving snow, eerie fog, or driving rainstorms. Get instant savings with 27 valid Aeon Timeline Coupon Codes & discounts in. Dont just run a story, paint a world, with weather that varies realisticially throughout the year. The interface always defaults back to the first date I entered, but my plot spans a couple of decades so I have to keep changing the year whenever I add a new event. Then when your players travel for 393 minutes, Fantasy Calendar can do the time math for you. To me, though, the whole thing sounds suspiciously like an academic joke. I'm loving Aeon Timeline for organising my epic fantasy novel (with a custom calendar), but I'm finding it rather tedious to add events. valid date is specified as YEAR-MONTH-DAY-HOUR. No one on Mars will ever have to pause to consider, “Now let me see, the 10th of next month is Sol Martis, isn’t it?” It always is! This has the great advantage of eliminating the sloppiness we on Earth have had to put up with in the Gregorian calendar. 0 Comments Always contain either a exploration or challenge event.Event order is usually swapped around between 1-2 months compared to JP, but largely remains the same.Afterglow and Fun With Physalis were released after two months since the last story event. The YEAR (first segment) can be negative: -123-45-678-9 is a valid date.Each segment can contain only numbers, but can be any length.Timeline entries can be used for fantasy timelines, leading to a simplified set of rules for valid dates. The direct result of this is that regardless of the month, a given sol of the week can only occur on four invariable dates for example, Sol Jovis, the Martian Thursday, will always be either the 5th, 12th, 19th, or 26th of the month… any month. For me, this single feature would turn Aeon from an exotic, fantasy timeline creation tool I sometimes use for projects into an essential productivity tool I can’t live without. Each month begins on exactly the same sol of the week: Sol Solis, which is the Martian equivalent of Sunday. While iCal import would have been very useful, two-way synchronization between Google/Apple calendar and Aeon would have been a game-changer. Since these are derived from the month according to a fixed scheme, they do not have to be calculated at all.Īnd now for an unusual feature.

aeon timeline fantasy calendar

Aeon timeline fantasy calendar mac#

Good news! I thought about your problem again and came to the conclusion that the “Darian” Martian calendar can be used in principle without problems with Aeon Timeline, simply by omitting the weekdays. A Writers Fantasy Aeon Timeline is the only timeline tool available on the Mac market that allows the user to create their own custom Fantasy Calendar.

Aeon timeline fantasy calendar